letter from customer Daoming
- 奇件人: Daoming Zhan
- 日期: 2012年8月27日 下午07時07分04秒格林威治標準時間+08:00
- 收件人: Formosa Car Rentals
- 副本: raymond wong
- 標題: Re: Formosa Car Rentals-0827k1-12 / Daoming, 8/4 6:00am – 8/15 6pm , CKS Toyota Wish
hi Karen,
I have received the iphone and you may charge to Raymond credit card. Thank for the help. We’re very pleased with the service you have given for us, and the level of effort you put in was far beyond expectations. I highly recommend your services to anyone and will contact you again if we going back in Taiwan.